The AIDA and its member districts endeavor to maintain favorable legislative support and funding for the sector, and encourage advancement of projects benefitting southern Alberta water management. The Association also works with other organizations to identify and understand water management issues and works to collaboratively resolve issues.
Promotion & Awareness
Through participation in and sponsorship of agriculture and natural resource based educational events, the AIDA strives to increase appreciation of irrigation and its benefits to society. The Classroom Agriculture Program, Inside Education, Riverwatch and southern Alberta Aggie Days events, are several initiatives we are currently involved with.
Additional information on the history and benefits of irrigation are provided through presentations, information brochures and our publications.
Understanding the threat of aquatic invasive species to Alberta’s water bodies, the AIDA actively participates in public information and prevention campaigns to keep these invaders from establishing in our Province.
Monitoring & Research
The AIDA and its member districts are involved in important and varied water management related monitoring and research. We strive to support the provincial Water for Life Strategy when undertaking these activities. Monitoring and research directly connected with water quality, increasing sector water efficiencies and aquatic invasive species focus largely. However the AIDA also undertakes research to quantify the benefits of irrigation to the regional and provincial economies.