About us

Since 1946,

AIDA has represented the interests and needs of its members to ensure the viability and sustainability of the irrigation sector.

What water does

Construction of an irrigation distribution system was key to the economic and social development of southern Alberta. This system continues to play aa significant part in the economy.

Water for food

Irrigated agriculture is the backbone of southern Alberta and contributes significantly to the Alberta agriculture sector and food production.

Water for business

The presence of irrigation infrastructure and irrigation in southern Alberta grows and diversifies the regional economy but also influences the provincial economy by annually contributing ~$3.6 billion to the provincial GDP.

Water for community

Prior to the construction and development of irrigation infrastructure, human settlement in the southern Alberta region was restricted to areas where permanent standing water was present - typically close to river valleys.

Water for wildlife

Alberta's irrigation districts have partnered with conservation organizations to assist in the construction and maintenance of wetland and upland wildlife habitat.

water for fun

People often include the nearest water body in their plans when it's time for rest and relaxation. Swimming, fishing, boating, camping and a host of other activities take place at and on most of the 57 irrigation reservoirs in Southern Alberta.

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